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Construction Management

The building sector is characterized by a particularly high density of legal regulations.

In addition to the Town and Country Planning Act (Baugesetzbuch – BauGB), which is the most important legal source in building law, the building regulations of the respective federal state are also a central element in the area of public building law. Furthermore, two sets of regulations play a particularly important role in public construction: the Awarding and Contract Manual for Building Projects of the Federal Republic of Germany (Vergabe- und Vertragshandbuch für die Baumaßnahmen des Bundes (VHB)), which implements the first two parts of the Awarding and Contract Regulations of Construction Work (Vergabe- und Vertragsordnung für Bauleistungen (VOB)). It creates the prerequisite for conducting award procedures in as uniform and legally secure a manner as possible and is used as a working tool for the contractual handling of building contracts.

Construction management

The New Construction or ‘Remodeling Process’ (Neubau- bzw. Umbauprozess – NUP) serves the purpose of standardization, optimization and transparent execution of the construction processes at the UoC. From the project idea to the end of the project, the procedure is standardized and processes are clearly defined. The NUP contains clearly defined milestones, binding criteria for the process, metrics and participants for passing milestones, as well as defined roles and clearly described tasks and responsibilities for these roles.

The involvement of the internal audit and the supplementary and change management are also documented accordingly in this process. As part of the continuous process monitoring, the NUP is subject to a continuous improvement process.

Signature regulations for construction

The UoC regulates the signing powers of employees in a separate signature regulation for Division 5 Building and Property Management. The contracts and documents to be signed in this division usually involve very large sums of money, which are checked and signed here using basic concepts such as the four eyes principle.