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Academic Integrity

At the UoC, good scientific practice and academic integrity are considered to be indispensable prerequisites for research and teaching of highest quality. They are the basis for the University’s reputation, its credibility in society and its popularity among students as well as (young) academics, the collaboration with other research institutes and the funding by third-party donors. To ensure good scientific practice, the UoC follows the guidelines and recommendations of the German Research Foundation and the German Ethics Council and has also established its own guidelines and committees. When dealing with security-relevant research, the UoC follows the recommendations of the Leopoldina.

The management, securing, storage and sustainable provision of research data must be carried out in accordance with recognized scientific and legal standards and meet high requirements. The Guidelines on the Handling of Research Data at the UoC provide appropriate orientation for this.

Good Scientific Practice

Security-Relevant Research

Animal Protection

Research Data